A 90-Day VIP Accelerator for women who want to play a bigger game in business and make more progress in 90 days than in a whole year!

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Here's a recap of what
you get when you join us
️ VIP 90-Day Accelerator running from April 17th - July 17th.

️ Monthly Hot Seat call with Carrie to deep-dive into your biggest business challenges and opportunities. Your chance to get Carrie's brain on your business.

️ Private VIP-only community with Carrie, Team FEA and your fellow VIPs for a more intimate experience - you'll be surrounded by big action-takers like you!

️ Extra support & accountability from Team FEA to help you hit your biggest business goals in the next 90 days.

️ Business Strategy Workshop with Carrie to kick off your journey in the accelerator and help you create a success plan to make this the best 90 days you've ever had in business.

️ Social Media & Content Creation Masterclass with Ruthie Walmsley - FEA Social Media Manager to help you create a months worth of highly engaging content with ease.

️ Funnels Strategy training with Natasha Barrett, our FEA Create expert, to help you build out the core funnels, offer pages and digital products - no more tech headaches!

️ Launch Workshop with Laura Phillips, FEA's Launch Manager. Laura will teach you what's working now with launches and show you how to launch an offer without creating it first, so you'll actually get paid before you create it!

️ Live and in-person Celebration Ceremony at FEA HQ to celebrate your success with Carrie, the team and your fellow VIPs. There may be a glass of fizz or two and canapés to celebrate your success!   
  • Total payment
  • 1xMembers' Club VIP Accelerator - #128001$1199

All prices in USD
